How long will the carpets take to dry? your carpets can be walked on straight away and will be dry in approximate 2 hours. upholstery can take upto 6 hours depending on the amount of rinsing needed.
Can all stains be removed? I do everything in my power to remove stains safely without damaging the fibres. I carry a wide range of specialist chemicals and have been fully trained to NCCA standard but I never guarantee complete removal
Can I use my oven after the clean? yes,as part of the clean I run the oven after to check the operation. Once this is done the oven is ready to be cooked from with no nasty smells or tastes.
Are any of the fumes dangerous? None of my carpet or oven cleaning products are dangerous to breath in. If however you require stain protection then you would need to vacate the area while this product is applied.
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